Showing posts with label Interviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interviews. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Supernova Interview

The new year holiday season is fast approaching, and it’s been great connecting with you guys all this while. Just before the arrival of 2020, I am honored to have been interviewed by the Visual Collaborative (a U.S.-based festival and publishing platform that receives acclaim internationally) to share my belief and practice in art, design, and life. Here is the link for the interview @ the VC's “Supernova” catalog:

Wishing all a joyful Christmas holiday and New Year ahead!

臨近尾聲的2019年,我很榮幸能受邀參與美國媒體Visual Collaborative的一個越洋採訪,該平台著重介紹和發揚人文,商業和創新科技的交匯與共享。 這是VC的“ Supernova”目錄中的採訪鏈接:



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