Friday, November 13, 2015

2015 Community Art Award - Digital & Mixed Media Giant Façade Art @ Heartland, Singapore.

Yishun-team and I are honoured and thankful to have received the Community Art Award presented by Ms Grace Fu Hai Yien (Minister for Culture, Community and Youth & Leader of the House, Singapore) on our giant façade art “Yishun Symphony of Life”! This award reaffirms my aim and focuses to make art more accessible to the people by bringing it right to the heartland of Singapore and the region, emphasizing direct interaction and dialogue with the community, and breaking the notion of art exhibition and appreciation has to be confined within the four walls of a gallery or museum. Besides believing skylight is our best spotlight and ambient light, today we celebrate our success in utilizing visual art as a form of universal lingo to bring different races, nationalities and people from all walks of life together regardless of language, ethnic group and religion. Together we bring arts and culture to reach “Everyone, Everywhere, every day.”

~ Tan Haur
(Community Artist/ Designer)